50. Dube et al., Impedance-based DNA switches for Solving the Boolean Logic Circuit, Under Review (2025).
49. Dube et al., Impedance-based assay for pan-cancer early and rapid detection of cell-free DNA, Under Review (2025). Pri-print available.
48. Swami P., Anand S. Holani A. and and Gupta S., Impedance spectroscopy for bacterial cell monitoring, analysis, and antibiotic susceptibility testing: A perspective, Langmuir, 40 (42), 21907-21930 (2024)
47. Gupta A., Adarsh T., Manchanda V., Sasmal P.K. and Gupta S., COVID-19 Detection Using AIE-Active Iridium Complexes, Dalton Trans. 52, 1188–1192 (2023)
46. Minelli et al., Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards (VAMAS) Interlaboratory Study on Measuring the Number Concentration of Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles, Nanoscale, 14, 12, 4690 – 4704 (2022)
45. Basu A., Singh R. and Gupta S., ‘Bacterial Infections in Cancer: A Bilateral Relationship’, WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology, e1771, 1-29 (2022)
44. Swami P., Gajanand V., Holani A., Kamaraju S., Sritharan V., Manchanda V., Gupta S., Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profiling using Impedance Spectroscopy, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 200, 113876 (2022)
43. Singh N., Gupta A., Prasad P., Sah R., Singh A., Kumar S., Singh S., Gupta S. and Sasmal P., Mitochondria-targeted Photoactivable Real-time Monitoring of a Controlled Drug Delivery Platform’, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 64, 24, 17813–17823 (2021)
42. Singh N., Gupta A., Prasad P., Mahawar P., Gupta S. and Sasmal P., Iridium-Triggered Allylcarbamate Uncaging in Living Cells, Inorganic Chemistry, 60, 12644 (2021) (Selected as featured article and ACS Editor’s choice)
41. Anand S., Swami P., Goel G. and Gupta S., Zwitterions for Impedance Spectroscopy: The New Buffers in Town, Analytica Chimica Acta, 1166 338547 (2021)
40. Swami P., Sharma A., Anand S. and Gupta S., DEPIS: A Combined Dielectrophoresis and Impedance Spectroscopy Platform for Rapid Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 182, 113190 (2021)
39. Khanna S., Singh A.K., Behera S.P. and Gupta S., ‘Thermoreversible BSA hydrogels with phase tunability‘, Materials Science & Engineering C, 119, 111590 (2021)
38. Prasad P., and Gupta S., ‘Nanobioconjugates: Weapons against Antimicrobial Resistance’, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 3, 12, 8271-8285 (2020)
37. Prasad P., Singh R., Kamaraju S., Sritharan V. and Gupta S.*, ε-Polylysine nanoconjugates: Value-added antimicrobials for drug resistant bacteria ACS Applied Bio Materials, 3, 12, 8271–8285 (2020)
36. Gupta A., Prasad P., Gupta S. and Sasmal P., ‘Simultaneous Ultrasensitive Detection and Elimination of Drug-Resistant Bacteria by Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Complexes’, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 32, 35967–35976 (2020)
35. Bandaru R., Murugan D., Khanna S., Gupta S., Janakiraman V. and Sai V.V.R., ‘U-bent fiber optic plasmonic biosensor platform for ultrasensitive analyte detection’, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 321, 128463 (2020)
34. Verma S., Arya P., Singh A., Kaswan J., Shukla A., Kushwaha H.R., Gupta S. and Singh S.P., ‘ZnO-rGO Nanocomposite based Bioelectrode for Sensitive and Ultrafast Detection of Dopamine in Human Serum’, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 165, 112347 (2020)
33. Jagtap P., Prasad P., Pateria A., Deshmukh S. and Gupta S., ‘A single step in vitro bioassay mimicking TLR4-LPS pathway and the role of MD2 and CD14 coreceptors‘, Frontiers in Immunology, 11 (5), 1-9 (2020)
32. Singh R., Kumar C.S., Banerjee M. and Gupta S., ‘A dual drug delivery platform for cancer-bacteria co-targeting‘, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2 (11), 5032-5041 (2019)
31. Khandelwal A. V., Singh A., Pal N., Goel G. and Gupta S. ‘AC conductivity measurements of ultradilute colloidal suspensions using HEPES zwitterionic buffer‘, Langmuir, 35, 14725-14733 (2019)
30. Dixit A., Goel M., Swami P. and Gupta S., ‘Optimization of optoelectronically tunable CdTe microwire formation using AC dielectrophoresis‘, Sensors & Actuators A: Physical, 297, 111534 (2019)
29. Goel M., Singh A., Bhola A. and Gupta S., ‘Size-tunable assembly of gold nanoparticles into conductive films and microwires using AC electrokinetics‘, Langmuir, 35(24), 8015-8024 (2019)
28. Malik S., Parikh H., Shah N., Anand S. and Gupta S., Non-invasive platform to estimate fasting blood glucose levels from salivary electrochemical parameters, Healthcare Technology Letters, 6(4), 87-91 (2019)
27. Manoharan H., Kalita P., Gupta S. and Sai V.V.R., ‘Plasmonic biosensors for bacterial endotoxin detection on biomimetic C-18 supported fiber optic probes‘, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 129, 79-86 (2018)
26. Jagtap P., Mishra R., Khanna S., Mittal B., Kumari P., Kashyap H. and Gupta S., ‘Mechanistic evaluation of lipopolysaccharide-alexidine interaction using spectroscopic and in silico approaches‘, ACS Infectious Diseases, 4(11), 1546-1552 (2018)
25. Jagtap P.*, Singh R.*, Deepika K., Sritharan V., Gupta S., ‘A flow through assay for rapid, bedside stratification of endotoxemia in critically ill patients: A pilot study‘, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 56(9), 1-13 (2018) (*Equal contribution)
24. Prasad P., Sachan S., Suman S., Swyambhu G. and Gupta S., ‘Regenerative core-shell nanoparticles probes for simultaneous removal and detection of endotoxins‘, Langmuir, 34, 7396–7403 (2018)
23. Goel M., Verma A. and Gupta S., ‘Electric-field driven assembly of live bacterial cell microarrays for rapid phenotypic assessment and cell viability testing‘, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 11, 159 – 165 (2018)
22. Singh R. and Gupta S., ‘Dual-functionality nanobioconjugates: A new tool for intracellular bacterial targeting in cancer?‘, Therapeutic Delivery, 9, 317-320 (2018)
21. Pandey V., Gupta S. and Elangovan R. E., ‘Compact 3D printed module for fluorescent and label-free imaging using evanescent excitation’ Methods and Applications in Fluorescence, 6, 015007 (2018)
20. Kalita P., Bhola A., Goel N., Sritharan V. and Gupta S., ‘Heterogeneous Endotoxin Detection Bioassay using Drug-nanoparticle Bioconjugates: An Optimization Study’ Molecular Systems Design and Engineering, 2 , 470-477 (2017)
19. Singh R.*, Patil S.*, Singh N. and Gupta S., ‘Antimicrobial Activity of Polymyxin B Sulfate and Sushi Peptide Nanoparticle Bioconjugates on Gram-negative Bacteria’ Scientific Reports 7:5792, 1- 10 (2017) (*Equal contribution)
18. Kalita P., Chaturvedula M., Sritharan V. and Gupta S., ‘In vitro Flow-Through Assay for Rapid Detection of Endotoxin in Human Sera’ Nanomedicine: Nanotchnology, Biology, and Medicine, 13, 1483-1490 (2017)
17. Baig M.M., Jain S., Gupta S., Vignesh G., Singh V., Kondraju S. and Gupta S., ‘Engineering Droplet Navigation through Tertiary-Junction Microchannels’ Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 20:165 (2016)
16. Jagtap P., Sritharan V. and Gupta S., ‘Nanotheranostic Approaches for the Management of Bloodstream Bacterial Infections’ Nanomedicine: Nanotchnology, Biology, and Medicine, 13, 329 – 341 (2016)
15. Singh S., Upadhyay M, Pandey V., Gupta S., Perumal V. and Elangovan R., ‘Spot Immunomagnetic Enrichment Device for Rapid Detection of Pathogens in Peripheral Blood‘, Advanced Materials Technologies, 1600101, 1 – 9 (2016)
14. Malik S., Khadgawat R., Anand S. and Gupta S., ‘Non-invasive Detection of Fasting Blood Glucose Level via Electrochemical Measurement of Saliva’ SpringerPlus 5:701 (2016)
13. S. Singh, M. Upadhyaya, J. Sharma, S. Gupta, V. Perumal, and R. Elangovan, ‘A portable immunomagnetic cell capture system to accelerate culture diagnosis of bacterial infections‘ Analyst 141, 3358-3366 (2016)
12. Pal N., Sharma S. and Gupta S., ‘Sensitive and Rapid Detection of Pathogenic Bacteria in Small Volumes using Impedance Spectroscopy Technique’ Biosensors and Bioelectronics 77, 270-276 (2016)
11. Kalita P., Dasgupta A., Sritharan V. and Gupta S., ‘Nanoparticle-drug Bioconjugate as Dual Functional Affinity Ligand for Rapid Detection of Endotoxin in Water and Serum‘ Analytical Chemistry 87, 11007-11012 (2015)
10. Maheshwari G., Mittal M., Sapra S. and Gupta S., ‘Electrically-Driven Assembly of CdTe Quantum Dots into Semiconducting Microwires’ J. Mater. Chem. C 3, 1645-1648 (2015)
9. Jain S. and Gupta S., ‘Dielectrophoretic Co-Assembly of Binary Colloidal Mixtures in AC Electric Fields‘ Langmuir 29, 16105-16112 (2013)
2012 and earlier (Before joining IITD)
8. Gupta S., Kilpatrick P.K., Melvin E. and Velev O.D., ‘On-Chip Latex Agglutination Immunoassay Readout by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy’ Lab on a Chip 12, 4279-4286 (2012)
7. Gupta S.*, Andresen H.A.* and Stevens M.M., ‘Kinetic Investigation of Bioresponsive Nanoparticle Assembly as a Function of Ligand Design’ Nanoscale 3, 383-386 (2011) *Equal contribution
6. Gupta S., Andresen H.A. and Stevens M.M., ‘Single-Step Kinase Inhibitor Screening using a Peptide-Modified Gold Nanoparticle Platform’ Chemical Communications 47, 2249-2251 (2011) Selected as hot article
5. Gupta S., Andresen H.A., Ghadiali J.E. and Stevens M.M., ‘Kinase-Actuated Immunoaggregation of Peptide-Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles’ Small 6, 1509-1513 (2010)
4. Gupta S., Alargova R.G., Kilpatrick P.K. and Velev O.D., ‘Directed Assembly of Live Cells into Functionalized Biomaterials using Dielectrophoresis on a Chip’ Langmuir 26, 3441-3452 (2010)
3. Velev O.D. and Gupta S., ‘Materials Fabricated by Micro and Nanoparticle Assembly – The Challenging Path from Science to Engineering’ Advanced Materials 21, 1-9 (2009) Among 5 most downloaded papers 5/2009.
2. Gupta S., Alargova R.G., Kilpatrick P.K., and Velev O.D., ‘On-chip Electric Field Driven Assembly of Biocomposites from Live Cells and Functionalized Particles‘ Soft Matter 4, 726-730 (2008) Featured on the inside cover.
1. Gupta S., Huda S., Kilpatrick P.K. and Velev O.D., ‘Characterization and Optimization of Gold Nanoparticle Based Silver Enhanced Immunoassays’ Analytical Chemistry 79, 3810-3820 (2007)
Conference proceedings
Shah M.I., Joseph J., Kedia R., Gupta S. and Sritharan V., ‘A portable colorimetric reader for early and rapid diagnosis of sepsis’, IEEE Healthcare Innovations and Point of Care Technologies (HI-POCT), Nov (2019) DOI: 10.1109/HI-POCT45284.2019.8962853
Book chapter and other reports
*Kalita P., *Dasgupta A. and Gupta S. “Endotoxin Entrapment on Glass via C-18 Self-Assembled Monolayers and Rapid Detection using Drug-Nanoparticle Bioconjugate Probes”, Chap. 13 (133-142), Microbial Toxins: Methods and Protocols (2nd Ed.), MiMB 1600, Springer Protocols (Editor Otto Holst), Humana Press, 2017 (*Equal contribution)
Gupta S. ‘Rapid impedance detection of typhoid-causing bacteria: A step toward a healthier life’ Nano, Bio and Building Technology Newsletter of Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer (FITT), IIT Delhi, Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2014
1. Kaur S. and Gupta S., Cancer Staging Method using Impedance Spectroscopy, US patent application #63/569,902 (filed Mar 26, 2024)
2. Dube T., Prasad P., Verma M., Singh A., Chowdhury S. and Gupta S., Impedance-based Liquid Biopsy System and Method for Detecting and Screening Cancer, Indian patent application #202311005850 (filed Jan 30, 2023), PCT application #PCT/IB2024/050820 (filed Jan 29, 2024) and US patent application #18/683145 (filed Feb 12, 2024)
3. Gupta S., Sudarsan A., Denomme R., Ligand Assisted Dissociation, PCT published 2023 (PCT/CA2023/050300).
4. Elangovan R., Perumal V., Gupta S., Singh S., Upadhyay M. “Magnetic Enrichment of Magnetically Marked Analytes“, US Patent App. 15/552,248 (Granted Apr 13, 2021)
5. Kalita P., Sritharan V. and Gupta S. “An Assay and Kit for Detection of Endotoxin”, US Patent 10,969,388 (Granted Apr 06, 2021); EU Patent App. 16893365.3 (Filed Oct. 01, 2018)
6. Gupta S., Kalita, Dasgupta A. and Sritharan V., “Platform Device and Method for Detection of Bacterial Lipopolysaccharides in Water and Serum”, Indian Patent 359000 (Granted Feb 22, 2021)
7. Elangovan R., Perumal V., Gupta S., Singh S., “Magnetic capturing of rare cells“, US Patent no. US 10,690,662 B2 (Granted Jun 23, 2020)
8. Kalita P., Sritharan V. and Gupta S. “An Assay and Kit for Detection of Endotoxin”, Indian Patent 201611007932 (406121) (filed: 7th Mar 2016) (Granted Sep 08, 2022)
9. Singh S., Elangovan R. Gupta S. Perumal V., “Portable Device and Disposable Chip for Immunomagnetic Enrichment of Target Biomarkers”, Indian Patent 485/DEL/2015 (filed: 19th Feb 2015)
10. Singh S., Elangovan R. Gupta S. Perumal V., “On-chip Immunocapture and Fluorescent Detection of Rare Cells in Large Sample Volume”, Indian Patent 3465/DEL/2014 (filed: 28th Nov 2014)
Media coverage
1. Our rapid AST work featured in Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, one of largest biotech/pharma newspapers in the USA – Impedance Spectroscopy Measures Antimicrobial Susceptibility in Real Time, June 02, 2022
3. NanoDx Healthcare and our Septiflo technology highlighted in the May 2019 issue of Down to Earth magazine – Game Changers
4. Our startup NanoDx Healthcare wins GBP Boost Grant from BIRAC and UK-based innovation foundation Nesta for Septiflo technology: https://longitudeprize.org/; https://www.nesta.org.uk
4. Other channels: https://www.biospectrumindia.com; https://in.yahoo.com; https://mumbaimirror.indiatimes.com
5. Our article in Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2018 receives media attention: Science Trends
6. Our recently published work in Sci. Rep. gets media coverage on various platforms: Research Matters; Biovoice News; Down to earth; The India saga; The Hindu; Indian Express; Financial Express; Daily Pioneer; India Live Today; Science Monitor, Rajya Sabha TV
7. Our startup NanoDx Healthcare wins the Round 3 Longitude Discovery award of 25,000 UK pounds for our innovation on POC diagnostic device for rapid sepsis identification – https://longitudeprize.org/blog-post/discovery-award-winners-round-3
8. A short video documentary on our septicemia work recorded by Two Islands Digital (2ID) on behalf of Channel News Asia (CNA) for their segment “Saving Lives”: Click here
9. “Low cost device for sepsis diagnosis“, Identifying Low-cost Medical Device Innovations Transforming Patient Care, Frugal Innovations in Medical Device Industry – Medical Device TechVision Opportunity Engine (TOE), Frost & Sullivan, May 2016
10. “A kit for rapid bedside diagnosis of septicemia” by Science Monitor, Rajya Sabha TV, April 23, 2016
11. “IIT Delhi: Novel device for sepsis diagnosis”, by The Hindu, April 17, 2016
12. “National honours for Global Hospitals”, by Hans India, March 31, 2016
13. “IIT student makes the cheapest sepsis detection kit”, by Dainik Jagran, March 27, 2016
14. “Now, IITs become fertile ground for faculty startups”, by Economic Times, June 23, 2015
15. “India: The fight to become a science superpower” by Nature, May 13, 2015
16. “Open Innovation” by Times of India, April 20, 2015
17. “Faster typhoid diagnosis” by Hindustan Times (New Delhi), April 11, 2015
18. “Test for sepsis diagnosis in development in India” by Medical Device Daily, Feb 2015